Our History

In 1984 Rose began working at Southern Steel Company as a secretary to the marketing and sales and project management departments. From there she moved to Adtec Detention Systems where she worked for the Executive offices as well as the marketing and sales departments and project management departments for both Adtec and Steel Door Industries. One of her main jobs at Southern Steel and Adtec was tracking projects to find out when they would be going out for bids for the sales forces of both companies. She was also responsible for obtaining product approvals in the project specifications. The customers began relying on her "weekly bid schedule" report. She became the person they would call to find out what and where the jobs were bidding. Over the years she established many working relationships with both the detention and security electronic contractors and justice architects.
In January 2000, a new marketing service for the criminal justice industry was created. After years of marketing and tracking criminal justice work, Rose already knew what the contractors and material suppliers needed to know. To that end she worked to develop a lead service strictly focusing on the details that this specialized industry needed to know.
The Rose Report has been embraced by the criminal justice industry because our subscribers know that they are dealing with an individual who has over 35 years experience actually working in this specialized industry. We are not some huge corporation with high pressure marketing drones making empty promises in order to drum up subscriptions or faceless reporters that are clueless to our industry’s needs.
We don't utilize any fancy databases that you have to learn to use. Our reports are delivered directly to your email box via a microsoft word attachment as is the weekly bid schedule. No new software to install or new programs to learn. We keep it Simple. (KISS)